News & Current Affairs

India: Women Hide In Toilet to Avoid Being Raped

By Azeezat Okunlola | Feb 10, 2023

On Tuesday, the Vijayanagar Police Department detained two individuals in connection with an attempted rape of two young women who had attended a party at the residence of the accused.


On February 5, police say, the suspects allegedly hosted a party for their female acquaintances at their residence. The suspect allegedly attempted a rape on two intoxicated women. Both women are originally from Kashmir, but they spent the night locked in the lavatory.


Aditya Abhiraj, 26, is from Bihar, and Ajay Venkatasai, 23, is from Andhra Pradesh; both men are accused. According to the police, the suspects were arrested after receiving the 23-year-old victim's complaint.


While attending a famous college in Punjab, the victim (originally from Kashmir) and the accused became close friends. The woman had recently graduated and was living with a friend while working for a private company in the metro area.


On February 5th, Ajay called the woman and asked if they could set up a meeting. Having followed Ajay's directions, the woman and her companion arrived at their destination.


Following the victim's report on February 6, a squad lead by Inspector GS Anil Kumar investigated and ultimately arrested the suspects on charges of rape and sexual abuse.

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